Your email marketing software lets you create forms and add them to your site. Is it worth buying software like RightMessage? And can personalization help build your list faster?
Your email marketing software allows you to create simple lead capture forms. With RightMessage, you’ll be able to create survey funnels that lead to fully personalized opt-in forms. The result? More leads and a better segmented email list.
Many of our customers come from having previously just used their built-in email marketing app’s form features. A common pre-sales question we get is: “Is it worth the switch? Especially since I’m basically getting my form tools for free right now?” The answer is… it depends. RightMessage can help you sizably increase the number of leads you get through the use of personalized calls-to-action that are more relevant and applicable to the visitors on your website.
Additionally, the segmentation information we’re able to collect for each of your email list subscribers, along with being able to pitch non-optin offers (like products and such) for existing subscribers not only leaves your email database better segmented, but also increases downfunnel sales by pitching your returning subscribers and customers on things they haven’t yet bought, rather than the email list they already subscribe to.
If 20%+ more opt-ins and sales outweighs the cost of RightMessage for your traffic levels, then we’d be crazy to say it isn’t worth it for you. If anything, grab a trial and try out our survey and personalized opt-in functionality for 14-days. If we’re outperforming and converting over your email app’s built-in forms, great! Otherwise, simply cancel your trial.
”RightMessage is a huge step forward for most businesses with email funnels. Rather than using “dumb call to actions” that treat everyone the same, you can offer value to people based on their situation. ”