Sumo is a more traditional form tool. RightMessage provides a new way to think about growing, segmenting, and selling to your list. Here’s how each tool differs…
With Sumo, you create, style, and set up rules for each of your forms individually. RightMessage provides a “Customer Journey”, allowing you to visually map out who gets offered what and when, along with full website personalization.
Sumo is a great suite of opt-in widgets (amongst other things) that make it easy to build your email list.
RightMessage differs fundamentally when it comes to how we handle opt-in forms, along with segmentation and enriching your email database.
With Sumo, you’d set up a flat set of forms. Each form is uniquely designed, has its own content, and can have display rules (e.g. referring domain is attached to it. But it’s almost impossible to do things like “If this person is a returning subscriber, don’t show another opt-in form ever” or to survey visitors and dynamically alter how they’re pitched based on what you learn.
RightMessage, with it’s visual Customer Journey editor and two-way realtime synchronization with your email marketing database will never leave returning subscribers and customers wondering why you’re trying to get their email address again, and we make it super easy to progressively profile, using behavior and surveys, your subscribers so you can personalize their experience with you, both on your website and via email.
”RightMessage is a huge step forward for most businesses with email funnels. Rather than using “dumb call to actions” that treat everyone the same, you can offer value to people based on their situation. ”